Flash Pen by Alan Wong

With the simple push of a button, you provide a sudden burst of light to enhance a disappearance, reappearance, transposition, transformation and many other special effects.




Finally, an alternative to FISM Flash without the bulky and burdensome hook-up under your shirt.


With the simple push of a button, you provide a sudden burst of light to enhance a disappearance, reappearance, transposition, transformation and many other special effects.


Flash Pen comes with a rechargeable lithium battery and a DVD that demonstrates 16 ideas and routines developed by…

Gregory Wilson and some of his brainstorm buddies:

  • David Gripenwaldt
  • Michael Weber
  • John Kennedy
  • Danny Archer
  • Thom Peterson
  • Garrett Thomas
  • Karl Hein

The only difficult part is deciding which flashy performance piece to use.

Additional information

Weight 0,35 kg

With the simple push of a button, you provide a sudden burst of light to enhance a disappearance, reappearance, transposition, transformation and many other special effects.


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