Zig Zag Raccoon

A raccoon is placed in a beautiful boxe. With a devilish grin you thrust two wide stainless steel blades through the cabinet which cut the poor animal in three! You push the cabinet back together, pull out the blades and release the raccoon…


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The raccoon, is the magician’s favourite animal and is found in almost every magician’s household.

The raccon gets up to the maddest things, eats out of your hand, climbs up your arm, is lively and cheeky …. and finds his own way into the hearts of the audience.


To top it all, this lovely little fellow becomes the star of your show, in which animal lovers will initially cry out in dismay:

You show a cabinet in which you put the raccoon, tail first. The raccoon completely fills the cabinet, and to make sure it doesn’t get too cramped for him, you open a small door to allow his tail to hang out.

You close the lid and the raccoon peers out mischievously at the audience.
Then something terrible happens: With a devilish grin you thrust two wide stainless steel blades through the cabinet which cut the poor animal in three!

As if that isn’t enough: You push the centre of the cabinet almost completely to one side! A large hole gapes where raccoon’s body should actually be!!! A curious situation, which you allow the spectators to view from all sides, even close-up!

Can that be true? Never again will the little raccoon climb up your arm, eat from your hand, show card tricks??? You feel sorry for the poor creature!

You push the cabinet back together, pull out the blades and release the raccoon from his prison, in one piece. And what does the cheeky fellow do? He climbs up your arm, eats out of your hand, and behaves as though nothing has happened.

Wonderfully made, finished in black and red, solid stainless steel blades, and functions perfectly.

An original product that fears no comparison. Please note: The Zig Zag illusion is supplied without raccoon since you can use any original Raccoon spring animal avaible on this shop who is already living in your household.


Additional information

Weight 3,50 kg

A raccoon is placed in a beautiful boxe. With a devilish grin you thrust two wide stainless steel blades through the cabinet which cut the poor animal in three! You push the cabinet back together, pull out the blades and release the raccoon…


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